Cost of Living – Community Support
In March 2023, 103 out of 113 older people in Bristol (BOPF survey) told us they were affected by cost of living challenges.
- Energy and food costs are top issues, with housing, transport and health also a priority.
- Older disabled people and older non-White British people appear to experience greater challenge.
- Older people asked to think about the cost of living gave a range of responses, but are often fearful of the future for themselves, family or friends.
BOPF are working on priorities identified by an informal cost of living panel of members
- provide more information about cost saving measures and ensure messaging does not add to older people’s worries about the CoL increases
- focus efforts to support older people most affected, including supporting members to undertake social action
- promote social connection and peer support between members and their wider social circles.
The Information Hub contains links to food, energy, housing, transport, health and other support available in Bristol.
Visit the Public Transport Action page to find out about social action members are taking to improve Bristol bus services.
The free BOPF Cookbook was created by members in response to increased food and energy costs.
We run Friends Together Socials through the year, where BOPF members are encouraged to bring friends who may be interested in joining. These are relaxed and informal events, with refreshments. They are promoted via the website, Facebook and newsletters.
We provide individual support and signposting to BOPF members facing cost of living challenges. Contact us to talk about any cost of living issues you are experiencing.