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Work and Volunteering

Support to find, stay in work and explore volunteering opportunities

Click on the text in bold to find out more.

DWP offers support and guidance to older workers.

Bristol Job Centre Plus may be able to provide training, for example with IT literacy and English language skills. It will also be able to signpost you to further sources of information and jobs in the local community.

Office address

100 Temple Street
City of Bristol
United Kingdom
Contact detailsTelephone: 0800 169 0190
Textphone 0800 169 0314
NGT text relay (if you cannot hear or speak on the phone): 18001 then 0800 169 0190
British Sign Language (BSL) video relay service if you’re on a computer – find out how to use the service on mobile or tablet
Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Find out about call charges

Menopause in the Workplace Resources Hub

Women make up nearly half of the UK working population, and women over 50 represent the fastest growing segment of the workforce, so there are few workplaces where menopause is not being experienced by your workers or someone in their immediate circle. This website contains useful resources for employers and workers.

Restless digital community for over 50s has career and job search resources tailored to job seekers in their 50s, 60s and beyond. Search age diverse employers.

Age UK have guidance on employment rights for older people.

Join ‘Can Do Bristol’ to find out about local volunteering opportunities.

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