Diversity, Equality and Inclusion
Information about equity-focused advisory and support services
Bristol Older People’s Forum (BOPF) membership reflects the diversity of Bristol. We are always looking to reach new members and learning from existing members how to improve the inclusiveness of our membership offer.
We work closely with other equity-focused organisations and community hubs that support underserved communities across the city. Find out more about some of them below.
A Black-led racial justice organisation based in Bristol that supports the development of dynamic, independent, and strong Black and Minoritised communities, businesses, and organisations to flourish whilst challenging systemic barriers. They drive racial equity in the UK society’s dimensions of research, policy, innovation, socio-economics, and health through a collective and meaningful community-led approach.
Bristol Women’s Voice have more than 4,000 members and subscribers who help shape their strategic plan and direction. Their goal is to make women’s equality a reality in Bristol. They do this through campaigning, connecting, and celebrating. Use their directory to find women’s support services and advocacy groups, community organisations, social, wellbeing or activity clubs and workshops.
Centre for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People
Here for all Deaf or Hard of Hearing people in the Bristol area, as well as their friends and families. Professionals working in this field and anyone interested in finding out more about Hearing Loss are very welcome to contact them for information.
Refugee Women of Bristol is the only multi-ethnic, multi-faith organisation that specifically targets the needs of refugee women in Bristol, directly governed by women of the refugee and asylum-seeking community. They provide services to disenfranchised groups over and above the generic category of ‘refugee’, and routinely reach cohorts of women that other service providers overlook or are unable to access.
West of England Centre for Inclusive Living
WECIL is an award winning, user led organisation supporting Disabled people to live the life they choose. Their approach is fully person centred. Staff have lived experience, which informs the support they offer. Some of their Bristol offer includes: Navigators who can guide you to the right services, Voice and Activism, Direct Payment Services and Create my Support Plan.
Equality Advisory and Support Service
Advises and assists individuals on issues relating to equality and human rights.
Helpline is open Monday to Friday 9am to 7pm and Saturday 10am to 2pm. Alternative ways to contact them are listed on their website.
Freephone Telephone 0808 800 0082
SARI – Stand Against Racism and Inequality
SARI provides free and confidential support for anyone who is a victim of hate crime across Avon and Somerset. Whether that’s based on race, faith, disability, sexual orientation, transgender identity, age, or sex. We also work to build greater understanding and respect for diversity and difference within our community.
Telephone 0117 942 0060