Programme: 10.30 am – 12.30 pm
1. Cllr Donald Alexander, Cabinet Member for Transport and Co-Chair of Bristol One-City Transport Board, giving an overview of Bristol Transport
2. National Lottery Community Fund
Lorna Henry, Funding Officer for Bristol South West Funding Team
3. Q&A and Ideas to BOPF Trustees and Staff, Christina Stokes, BOPF Chair
4. Annual Accounts
4.1 Resolution to approve the annual accounts
4.2 Appointment of Independent Examiner
4. BOPF Trustees Standing for Election:
Trustees standing again: Judith Brown, David Elson, Trish Mensah, Tara Mistry, Gloria Morris, Lyn Porter and Christina Stokes
Possible new Trustees: Pat Foster, Kathryn Hutt
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