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Planning your journey

Click on the name of the organisation to visit their website.


City Mapper

Journey planning in Bristol, also includes taxi services and can be downloaded as an app to your mobile phone.

Travel West

Find the best walking, cycling or public transport options for your journey in the West of England.



Older Person’s Bus Pass

Bristol City Council – free travel for people of State Pension (currently age 66). Apply online or via paper form.


You can find bus routes and timetables on the First Bus website, or download their mobile app.

If you want to speak to someone, you can call Customer Services on 0345 646 0707 and our lines are open from 9am to 5pm Monday – Friday. First Bus says that their quieter times are usually between 11am and 3pm so you may prefer to call then, as there will be less of a wait to speak to one of our Customer Service advisors.


Environmentally friendly bus. Free with bus pass

Big Lemon

The Big Lemon runs public bus services in Bristol, Bath and around the West of England region.  Visit their website for routes, timetable, and fare information and click on the green button to see where the buses are in real-time:


WESTlink is a new type of bus service which operates in the vast majority of the West of England, outside of Bristol and Bath city centres. It runs without a fixed timetable or route, and is booked ‘on demand’ by users through the WESTlink app or by phone.

Passengers can get on or off at existing bus stops (over 1,800) as well as at a number of easy to reach places, and then connect to major bus and rail services.

Other forms of transport

Better By Bike

Bristol’s Cycling City website

Cycle Travel

Cycle route planning & updates

Lifecycle UK

Over 55 Group Cycling

Telephone 0117 353 4580


Bristol Walking Alliance

Improving Bristol’s walking environment

Walking for Health

To find a walking group in your area

Telephone 0117 352 1283




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