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Bristol City Council


Age UK

Help and advice on housing options for older people.

Age UK Bristol Adviceline

Telephone advice on all topics, appointment & home visit bookings, information about other local services. Open Mon-Thurs, 10am to 1pm, answerphone outside of these hours.
Telephone: 0117 922 5353

Click on the organisation’s name to visit their website.

Elderly Accommodation Counsel (EAC)

National charity that aims to help older people make informed choices about meeting their housing and care needs.


First Call – Red Cross Independent Living Service

For people leaving hospital, adjusting to life at home can be a difficult time. Helping someone get their essential shopping, pick up their prescription or get the heating turned on can make all the difference for them to feel safe at home.


Homeshare West

Homesharing matches someone who needs a small amount of help to live independently in their own home with someone who has a housing need and can provide appropriate support and companionship. The Householder provides a bedroom and shared facilities free of charge to a reliable younger adult, usually aged over 30. In exchange, this person will sleep in the home overnight and carry out agreed household tasks.


Telephone: 0117 369 3045


The Royal British Legion

The Royal British Legion offer services to ex service men and women including advice on Independent Living.

Tel: 0808 802 8080


We Care Home Improvements

Help with home adaptations, repairs and remaining independent at home

Telephone: 0300 323 0700


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