Healthy Ageing and Wellbeing
Physical and mental health information and support
Good health and wellbeing is important to BOPF members and we regularly have speakers on this topic at our Open Forum meetings. Information on key areas of member interest along with local and national support is provided below.
We received member feedback on the problems with access to NHS dentists in Bristol and encourage older people to continue to contact the BOPF team or share your views and experiences with Healthwatch.
- If you are swollen, bleeding, in pain or unable to eat you can ring NHS111 who are obliged to try and find you an appointment with an NHS dentist (although it may take some time).
- The Primary Care Unit at the Dental Hospital provides an emergency dental walk-in service for patients who do not have a registered dental practice. This is a triage service. Doors open at 8am. Patients must arrive before 10am. Bristol Dental Hospital, Lower Maudlin Street, Bristol BS1 2LY.
Hearing information and support
The Centre for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People offers support to people with any form of hearing loss in the Bristol area, as well as their friends and families. They have a resource room where they provide information, demonstrations and expert advice on equipment for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People. Open Monday to Thursday, 10.30am-1pm. Visit their website to book an appointment or find out about the other services they offer.
Improving your wellbeing
- NHS Talking Therapies offer a range of Talking Therapies for older adults, who live and are registered with a GP in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire.
- Healthier with Nature (Green Social Prescribing) have a directory of nature-based wellbeing activities across BNSSG. Open the link on full screen for better viewing.
Local organisations
Improve your health and wellbeing and get support for long term conditions from local organisations. Click on the organisation name to go to their website.
Bristol After Stroke
Independent local charity offering a combination of practical, social, emotional and psychological support to stroke-affected people and their carers and loved ones.
Bristol Dementia Action Alliance
A non-profit making, community-based project, mostly resourced by volunteers. Part of an “Alliance” of similar groups throughout the UK, working towards enabling their communities to become more dementia aware.
Bristol Dementia Wellbeing Service
Personalised help and advice face to face, over the phone or in writing.
Bristol Drugs (& Alcohol) Project
Free drug and alcohol support. Run the 50 Plus Crowd a twice-weekly social group for people aged over 50 with past or current problematic alcohol or drug use to meet, chat and have the opportunity to take part in different activities.
Bristol Grandparents Support Group
Information and meetings to inform people of the issues surrounding Grandparents and their rights to see their Grandchildren, when contact has been denied.
Bristol Mind
A mental health resource for people in Bristol providing mindline helpline and information service, counselling, hate crime services and refugee services.
Bristol Samaritans
Confidential emotional support to those in need of a safe space to talk over problems, feelings, stress or anything that maybe worrying them, especially those in extreme despair.
Carers Support Centre
Support, information and advice for carers of any age living in Bristol and South Gloucestershire.
CarersLine is a confidential phone and email information and support service for carers. Please check their website for latest opening details
0117 965 2200
Healthwatch Bristol
Healthwatch will listen to your views, share them with local health and social care providers – and encourage them to take action.
Re-engage provides social connections for older people including call companion, tea parties and activity groups.
They run rainbow call companions, a free telephone befriending service for LGBT+ people who feel they would benefit from a friendly phone call every week or two.
Relate Avon
Face to face and online relationship counselling, sex therapy and family counselling
National organisations
Arthritis Action
Practical help to improve the quality of life of people affected by arthritis.
Asthma and Lung UK
Offer a helpline and information.
Deafblind UK
Practical help, emotional support, help with technology, information and advice for anyone living with sight and hearing loss.
Macmillan Cancer Support
Cancer information and support.
Multiple Sclerosis Trust
MS information and support, including a helpline.
Marie Curie
Emotional & practical information about terminal illness (including for family & friends).
Royal Osteoporosis Society
Information and support to help you live well with osteoporosis and look after your bones.
Parkinson’s UK
Parkinson’s information and support, including a helpline.
Practical and emotional support to help you look after your eyes.
SSAFA (Forces help)
Welfare, health and support services, for the UK military’s serving personnel, veterans, and their families.
Tinnitus UK
UK helpline solely to help people with tinnitus.