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About us

The Voice of Older People (55+) in the City of Bristol.

Bristol Older People’s Forum (BOPF) represents older people across the city.  Formed in 1993 it has nearly 3,000 members aged fifty-five and above.

Our main mission is:

‘For every older person in the city to be an equal, valued and participating member of the community, able to influence policy and decision-making, challenge ageism and promote Bristol as an Age Friendly City.’

Member led organisation

With almost 3000 members

Over 25 years old

BOPF was founded in 1993

Charitable Incorporated Organisation

We became a CIO in 2015

Our Manifesto outlines how Bristol must recognise diversity and address inequality to become a great Age Friendly City for everyone.

It sets out the priorities in achieving our aim through influencing key providers and decision makers in the city.

Partnership working

We work in partnership with other organisations including: The Care Forum (lead partner in the Voice and Influence Partnership), The Bristol City Council, Bristol Ageing Better, Age UK Bristol, St Monica Trust, LinkAge Network, John James Bristol Foundation and the Bristol Dementia Action Alliance.

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