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BOPF Carer’s Survey Report

Are You Looking After Someone Else?


The Bristol Older People’s Forum (BOPF) wishes to thank all those who took part in the survey and returned questionnaires, and to those individuals from BOPF and Bristol Ageing Better, who gave advice on the design of the questionnaire.

‘Our report highlights many of the issues facing older carers across the city. The findings and recommendations will help to strengthen future support to carers and those they look after.’

Ian Bickerton, BOPF Chair of Trustees





Executive Summary

This small-scale research survey has been commissioned by Bristol City Council’s (BCC) Adult & Social Care Commissioning team, to help reshape services and support for people looking after others. The survey focussed on older people in Bristol and we wanted to uncover a snapshot of existing carers and those who may have ‘fallen through the net’.

The findings highlighted a number of significant challenges for carers and those they look after. These included the significant effects on mental health and well-being, the need for respite that recognises the differing needs of individual carers, the frustrations for many who are accessing support, or not knowing what support is available, and the need to be valued and listened to as carers.

“I need to be respected as the expert in the people I care for, I need to be included as a partner in the care of the people I care for. I need society to wake up and realise that if unpaid Carers stopped doing what we do the country would need to double the size of the NHS and social care.”


BOPF Carer’s Survey Report


If you are aged 55+ you can join BOPF – it’s free!

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